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Resources: About Me
Holding Space - The Art of Helping
I am sure you have heard the words "holding space" but what does it truly mean? Holding space for someone is to be supportive and present, without judgment or opinion. It is something easier said than done. It means listening. Allowing the person to share their feelings and thoughts without fixing or the need to respond. It includes practicing empathy and compassion accepting someone's truths, no matter what they may be. Putting your needs and opinions aside, and allowing them to just be. And remember... it takes practice.
Serious Illness and Before Loss
The 5 C's of Children's with loved one's with serious illness or death.​
Did I cause it?
Can I catch it?
Could I have cured it?
Who is going to care for me?
How will I stay connected to them?

The Private Worlds of Dying Children by Myra Bluebond-Langner
Everyone Dies (and Yes, It is Normal) by Marianne Matzo, PhD, FAAN and Darlene Domanik
Scarlet Says Goodbye by Christine Thompson
The Tunnel and the Light by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
On Children and Death by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
** My go to items
Movies and Videos that Explore Death, Loss and Grief
Charlie St. Cloud
We Bought a Zoo
Children Movies About Death & Dying
Grief Feels Like ...
When Families Grieve
After The Loss
The 5 C's of Children's with loved one's with serious illness or death.
Did I cause it?
Can I catch it?
Could I have cured it?
Who is going to care for me?
How will I stay connected to them?
Parents of Murdered Children
Noteable Podcasts and Articles
Talking to Toddlers and Young Children About Death
Clinicians and Educators
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